Missouri Bond Down Payment Assistance Program
The Missouri Housing Development Commission (MHDC) offers down payment and closing cost assistance or affordable interest rates to qualified low-to-moderate income borrowers.
The program offers:
First Place Program
Cash Assistance Loan (CAL) provides first-time homebuyers with an affordable interest rate and cash assistance of 4% of the total loan amount to those who qualify for down payment and closing costs.
Next Step Program
Cash Assistance Loan (CAL) provides first-time1 and repeat homebuyers with an affordable interest rate and cash assistance of 4% of the total loan amount, to those who qualify for down payment and closing costs.
FAQs about Missouri Housing Development Commission Home Loans:
Missouri Housing Development Commission (MHDC) home loan income limits are based on the area, what MHDC program you are doing, and the amount of people who are going to be living in the home.
First, you must be purchasing a property in Missouri. There are two different Missouri Housing Development Commission (MHDC) programs which include First Place loan program for first-time homebuyers and qualified veterans or the Next Step program that is for both first-time homebuyers and non-first-time home buyers in Missouri, who may be outside the income limits for the First Place program.
Missouri Housing Development Commission (MHDC) loan is down payment assistance that goes along with certain loan programs. The minimum down payment depends on the loan program you are doing. MHDC will offer 4% of your loan amount to help you with your down payment.
(1) Applicants who hold or have held one of the following forms of present ownership interest in his or her principal residence within the past 3 years would not be considered a first-time homebuyer. Other underwriting restrictions may apply. See lender for details.